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Your Transformational Journey

personal growth Jan 03, 2022

Unexpected Challenges

Imagine a group of friends getting together for a fun outing. It’s one of those warm, low-humidity days, with abundant sunshine and a refreshing breeze. Their adventure is a spontaneous event, so they decide on a whim to drive to a neighboring county, where they will hike a trail in a large state park.

None of these friends has been to this park before, so they are looking forward to a day of fun and new experiences. Several of the people in the group had thrown on flip flops before rushing out their doors, inspired by the warm weather. The group chooses a difficult trail, which the flip flop wearers don’t expect to be a problem.

About half way into the hike, they encounter narrow paths carved into the sides of rock. They have to climb metal ladders embedded in the sides of cliffs to continue moving along the path. Needless to say, the friends wearing flip flops soon wish they would have worn more substantial footwear.

Where Are the Warning Signs!?

Our journey in life can feel like it should have some warning signs before we get stuck on paths we’re not really equipped to walk. We begin to question who we are, whether we can do this, and how to relate to those traveling with us—family and friends. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually we feel like we’re wearing flip flops, when we should be wearing solid hiking boots.

At Grace Like a River we will help you change into the mental, emotional hiking boots suited to whatever trail you’re on. But we want to go beyond equipping you with proper gear for life’s trails (such as effective coping skills), to helping you encounter God at the very heart of your pain, questions, concerns and struggles.

The Journey Toward Wholeness

This is what Your Transformational Journey is all about. We help you invite God to enter the very sources in your life of self-doubt, rejection, broken relationships, chaos, the thoughts and beliefs which end up tripping you on life’s paths. We walk with you as you experience God’s healing work at the core of your self.

When you engage in this kind of healing encounter, deep change that lasts can take hold of you. Real transformation occurs. Then you discover fewer comments set you off. Relationships grow richer. You experience more peace, and a healthy sense of your own worth and genuine love.



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