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What's in a name? A change in the name of this expression...

news Jan 06, 2022


00:00:10 Hello. This is Dr. Shawn with reduce stress and thrive. I wanted to communicate to you a need for a name change for this page and expression. I sensed the need to change it from reduce stress with Dr. Shawn, to reduce stress and thrive, to better frame this expression, and to better communicate the journey we're on together. Moving from a place of experiencing stress and overwhelm,

00:00:31 worry about the future and worry about what's going to happen as well as the anxiety. There's a lot that's been happening this past year and it's created stress for so many of us. And so this expression is here for you to journey with me and experience less stress, more peace, and calm in our lives. A peace of mind and a peace of God.

00:00:52 And it's an opportunity to engage a journey where we can move from this place of experiencing a lack of fulfillment, to a place of more fulfillment and becoming our best selves. And so we're moving from a place of stress, to a place of thriving and living more in the present and experiencing the present moment to its fullest. And so I'm looking forward to the next few months as we journey together,

00:01:15 Make it a great day. Peace.




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