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How does your stress level relate to what you believe about yourself & God?

reduce stress Jan 24, 2022

What you believe can have a profound impact on your life. 

The amount of stress you have and your peace of mind…

Over the years I discovered that what you believe is connected to how you feel. 

In fact, your emotions are a window to your beliefs. In other words, what you feel points to what you truly believe. This is why even though we know the right answer or what is true intellectually, we can feel quite different inside. 

Have you ever thought that you know the truth in your head, but not in your heart? This can be very troubling as we struggle to create change and experience more peace.

What became clear as I engaged my own life journey and helped many others is how false beliefs and distortions about God and self have a profound impact on everything. 

These core beliefs determine how we interpret every event of our lives.

They even determine how much peace or stress we will experience. 

If we believe we have to perform for God’s approval, or He is not pleased with us or He is disappointed in us, then we will have negative beliefs about ourselves. Like… “I am a disappointment,” “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not acceptable,” or “There’s something wrong with me.”

These limiting beliefs can lead to striving, perfectionism, stress, feelings of overwhelm and even a shame-based identity where we believe we are not good. 

None of us like to spend too much time thinking about such things…

Actually, we do a lot to avoid these feelings and thoughts.

But that doesn’t change the reality of how these limiting beliefs rob us from peace every day…

Let’s continue with Michelle’s story:

Michelle struggled with her fear of disappointing others which led to a need to please others and a difficulty in saying “no."

She knew there must be more to this life. She wanted to thrive!

Michelle was also bewildered why all her efforts to reduce stress and overwhelm failed. Why did the peace she longed for elude her?

As Michelle sought help and engaged her transformational journey, she began to discover these limiting beliefs that kept her from the life she longed for. She realized that this fear of disappointing others stemmed from her childhood. It’s been with her most of her life. 

These false beliefs she learned when young soon affected how she perceived God.

Was He pleased with her? She loved Him, had true faith and served Him most of her life. Yet there was this nagging fear even in her relationship with God. Was He disappointed in her too?

How do you change from something that you’ve always known? When you can’t remember ever experiencing something different. 

As Michelle reached out for help, she was introduced to a way of receiving and internalizing truth from God. This was a different approach than striving to believe and rehearsing truth through self-effort.

We will soon discover what began to make a real difference in Michelle’s life, reduced her sense of stress and overwhelm, while bringing a peace and calm that was undeniable. 

Life was meant for more than tyranny of the urgent, stress and worry about the day and what the future will bring. 

My desire for you is to experience the peace that only God can bring. 

There is more…

Learn more about Your Transformational Journey by discovering the answer to How does your stress level relate to what you believe about yourself & God?



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